Monday, April 25, 2011

Who Else Wants to Make Money With Their Freestyle Soccer Website?

I'm guessing you're reading this because you have a freestyle soccer website and you want to make money with it and you don't know how.

So, let me give you a few ideas on how you can start...

Place Google Ads On Your Site

If you haven't got a Google AdSense account, get one today. If you don't know anything about Google AdSense, go and find out about it today. The quickest and easiest way to make money with a website is by using Google AdSense.

How do I know that? Because I've been in the game for a long time, so don't waste anymore time and do what I'm telling you. Believe me, you'll thank me afterward.

Sell Freestyle Soccer DVD's On Your Site

Yes, sell freestyle soccer DVD's on your site - but make sure you have some. Make the dvd's yourself or buy the DVD's off a distributor or manufacturer. If this sounds like too much work, just go to or and sign up as an associate.

You can help sell plenty of freestyle soccer dvd's for Amazon and earn some tidy commissions. There are titles such as Billy Wingrove's 'Learn Freestyle Football'. See for yourself what I'm talking about, just don't take my word for it.

Sell Your Own 'How To' Freestyle Soccer Ebook

No joke, this is one of the hottest ways to make money online - selling your own 'how to' ebook. What are the costs, none at all. Write out your ebook on Word then put it into a PDF format, why? I'll tell you later, just carry on reading...

Go to Paypal and open an account (seriously, you should have one by now). You'll need this Paypal account to start taking in payments for your ebook off your website, blog or wherever you want to sell it.

Thanks for your patience, let's get back to the reason why you need to put your ebook into a PDF format. You'll have to do this so that no one can easily copy your ebook and sell it without your permission.

If you download Adobe's Acrobat Reader free, you'll soon understand what I'm trying to explain. There are some powerful options that allow you to stop users from printing your ebook and copying and pasting the content.

Take Action

The best way to make money with any website is by taking action. Don't just sit at home doing nothing and waiting for something to happen. Time is precious.

If you require anymore tips on how to make money with your freestyle soccer website just visit [] or [].

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