Monday, May 2, 2011

Success Formula: Zinedine Zidane's Success Secret

French soccer star Zinedine Zidane has an effective
success formula that I can't wait to share with

Passion ┼ Work ┼ Perseverance = Success

French soccer star Zinedine Zinedane summed up the
ingredirents of enduring success in one statement that anyone
could use to create a road map to his or her own triumph in any
field of endeavour.

The following words of the soccer star and twice world best
player should be food for thought for any aspiring talent;
speaking on the occasion of his debut match for Cannes in 1989,
Zidane made this observation:

That day I discovered that the passion of my life was
football and, I thought I could go far through work,
responsibility and perseverance. (emphasis mine)

The secret of Zinedine Zidane's success is contained in
the words in bold. Now let's take a look at each of these
attributes and see what role they can play in anyone's

oPassion is the key to meaningful achievement in any
calling. You have to love what you do for a living or else you
would never be happy and successful. In his book "Everyday
Wisdom for Success", Dr. Wayne Dyer says that doing
what you love is the cornerstone to having abundance in your

oWork is the foundation of all business, the source of
all prosperity and the parent of genius. Work can do more to
advance youth than his own parents, be they ever so wealthy. it
is represented in the humblest savings and has laid the
foundation of every fortune says an ancient sage. Everyone
who desire success must be willing to pay the price and
for those who have a true passion for their vocation you do not
just pay the price, says Zig Ziglar, you enjoy the price.

oPerseverance This game of success calls for a lot
of self-reliance and one has to grow up nurturing the habit of
perseverance. All stars who have attained enduring
success have met difficulties and frustrations along the way
but the man/woman who wins is the one who PERSEVERES to
the end.

Ella Wheeler Wilcox says
"Gifts count for nothing; will alone is great;
All things give way before it soon or late"

Another great mind puts it this way:

"Genius, that power which dazzles mortal eyes,
is oft but perseverance in disguise"

Michael Jordan was cut out from his high school
basketball team because the coach thought that he was not good
enough. Yet he did not give up. With PERSEVERANCE, he
became the world's greatest Basketball star. His mantra is "I
can accept failure, but I can't accept not trying".

So whatever your dreams and aspirations, you can make a
success out of your life. Take the Zinedine Zidane
formula and implement it in your life. You do the math:

Passion ┼ Work ┼ Perseverance =?

Article Source:

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