Saturday, April 23, 2011

Soccer Motivation - Do You Have What it Takes?

Training sessions can be wet and very cold. Don't you think it's easier to stay at home and sit in front of the television with the heaters on?

Soccer without a shadow of a doubt is the world game. The beautiful world game is played by millions of all ages, shapes and sizes. But can you really be bothered? Do you only play soccer when you find it convenient?

Don't get me wrong here; soccer is a great sport to play. But do you actually know why you play the game?

Do you want to one-day play professionally? Do you play for fitness? Or do you participate so you can socialize and make new friends? All reasons are valid and each to their own.

The next question I'd like to ask you is how do you stay motivated? When it's freezing outside and raining, how do you actually motivate yourself to attend? Motivational levels will vary significantly from individual to individual don't you think?

A player that is looking to play in Europe will need more motivation than a player that is just passing time. It's important to remember that a player that has a contract and gets paid will need to attend training while the social player can decide whether to train or watch Friends repeats.

Soccer motivation is directly related to your ambitions and goals.

If you take soccer seriously than it's a good idea to set small attainable goals. If you have an objective training seems necessary and provides a stepping-stone towards your goal. If you commit yourself to small tasks you become motivated and the weather or conditions will not hold you back from training.

Once you achieve and attain your small goals you can progress and fry bigger fish. With the attainment of your goals comes renewed motivation and hunger to achieve more. While the other players contemplate training, your desire and tasks will have you pumped up for each training session irrespective of conditions.

At the end of the day, the choice is yours. But you need to establish the reasons why you participate in soccer. Not everyone is chasing that elusive million-dollar contract are they?

If you are, the best way to stay motivated is to record and monitor your progress. With every little achievement comes momentum. With momentum comes hunger. So what are you waiting for? Put on your wet weather gear and get out there and train.

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