Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Moms! Make Money From the Soccer Field!

Being a mom means that there is always and will always be dinner to plan, laundry to do, a house that needs clean, a hand that needs to be held, a boo boo to be kissed, a child that needs to be talked to, homework to do, a husband who needs attention, you get the idea, the list goes on and on. Being a Mom is one of the most satisfying and demanding jobs in the whole world. I don't think anyone can understand just how much it takes until you become a mother yourself.

One thing I know is that when I became a Mom, which after years of trying to have kids and thinking I might not have babies of my own, one thing I didn't want to do was miss out on any moment. I wanted to be there to enjoy every big and small moment of my child's life. So, now that God has blessed me with two babies I'm working to maintain it all and what I'm finding is that not only do I want to relish in my life being a Mom, but I want to take care of all aspects of my life. A funny surprise to me is that I have found that I want to work! But I don't want to work for someone else anymore, I want to work at making a successful business that allows me the freedom I need to take care of my children and myself!

Because, not only do I want to care tenderly for children and be there whenever they need me but I want to take care of my spirit so that I am able to teach my children about God, I want to be physically fit, and I want to pursue things that I love. Then there is even more to add to the list, I want to be remembered for my great dinners, I want my kids to say, "nobody cooks like my Mom". I want to be a good friend, a great daughter and sister, a loving wife and on top of that, I have to figure out a way to make money while I'm doing it!

I am married to a hard working man and I had a pretty decent job before kids, but let's face it, our income was pretty much middle of the road. We could afford to do things and buy some things but we were never going to be super wealthy and that was OK. To be honest, money hasn't been a big motivator for a lot of my life decisions. When I decided that I wanted to do something on my own it was a decision that was based on the fact that I really wanted to surround myself with people that I really liked to work with and I wanted to something that was fun and exciting. My former employment in the insurance world and as a medical social worker could be downright depressing.

Now, I'm not the creative type, so finding a business that would fit took some time. What I did know was that there are thousands of Mom's out there who are balancing a successful business and still enjoying their children. For some they are doing things like selling a product; Mary Kay, Avon, Candles, Clothing, so on and so forth. Some are doing marketing, building websites, writing, caring for other children in their home, I'm sure that there are a million and one ways that Mom's are making money from home that I couldn't even dream about. So if they were doing something, I knew I could find the right fit for me. So as I started looking at the options, I really wondered how is it possible to be a Mom, always on the move, caring for your family and yourself and make a decent income without sacrificing your presence in your home all at the same time?

Then I found it, so for me, the way I'm making money from home is by real estate. House, houses, houses! I love houses! It is so fun to be working with and dealing with houses. And what is even better is that real estate can be a great way to earn an income. When I analyze a property I make sure that the bottom line profit that I will make is at least 10,000. Networking is a huge part of any business and is key in real estate investing. If you are a full time Mom spending your days on the soccer field, meeting and talking to other parents, why not take that time to network and make money in this real estate market? So on top of buying an selling houses, I've made it my goal is to share how to do this with every woman (or man) so they can do it to. I'm currently developing a coaching program on how to get started in buying real estate for Moms with the time that they have and while they are at home with their kids or running around to soccer fields or other places they need to be.

On top of that, I know that most mom's don't have a lot of time to worry about everything and so it came to me that wouldn't it be great if you could go to one place to find everything you would look for online? A step by step guide on how to get started in real estate investing. You will need to know how to find properties, how to fund properties, how to market and sell properties, rehab properties, and how to analyze them for starters. That might sound like a lot, but if you take one step at a time, in the amount of time that you have available, wouldn't it be worth it? What if you could buy, rehab and sell a house and make an additional 10,000 a year?

But being a Mom, I know that as good as this sounds I have to think about taking care of our family. So I want to provide a place that has everything from tips on parenting, to recipes for quick dinners, to advise on child behavior, inspiration for your soul, good articles about fitness and exercise tips, product recommendations for you and your family, ideas for making your own income? Doesn't that sound good to the average woman? I know it does to me! As a Mom, I want everything I need, all in one place, tried, tested and true so that I can spend the rest of my time playing with my family and taking care of my spirit and body. Is it possible--I think it is and I'm going to share this with anyone who wants to know how!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6204987

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