Monday, May 2, 2011

How to Kick a Soccer Ball Correctly

Learning how to kick a soccer ball correctly takes determination, persistence and practice! The only things you'll really need to get started are a soccer ball, cleats (if possible to help avoid slipping on the dirt or grass), a large clear area to practice and, of course, strong legs.

Here are a few tips to get you started:

·Never kick with your toe - you will lose control of the ball and you might seriously hurt yourself.

·Wear soccer cleats if possible for the best ground traction.

·Do not over-pump the ball - it makes it more difficult to kick.

·Give the ball more lift by making sure that the ball is under your foot and you are leaning over it when you kick.

·For the best distance and height on the ball, don't stand directly over it when kicking it, although you do need to kick the ball straight on and stand as straight as possible, while lifting your foot slightly. Make it go higher by leaning back just a bit.

Knowing these quick tips will help you give your soccer kicks more strength and power, but how do you kick a soccer ball correctly in the first place? Follow these easy to follow steps to help give your kick more power, height and strength and to avoid unnecessary injury.

Step 1: Start with the right equipment - a real soccer ball and the right shoes. Playing barefoot is not recommended.

Step 2: Next, take a few steps backward and one or two steps to the side (to the right if kicking with your right foot, or the left if kicking with your left foot). This will enable you to use your hips for more power.

Step 3: Run towards the ball, using your plant foot (the one you are not kicking) to direct the ball by placing it about six inches from the ball facing in the direction you want the ball to go.

Step 4: Pull your leg back, swing it forward, pointing your toe toward the ground. Your foot should strike the ball at about the point where your shoelaces are.

Step 5: Follow through your kick with a small leap. Learn to lean your body forward, pushing your weight ahead of you, to make your soccer kick more powerful. And, make sure that your hip is pivoting (or reaching) back, not your knee for the most power.

Following these simple steps won't make you a soccer star overnight, but it will give you the basics to finding your own strength and talent on the soccer field.

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