Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Great Goal Scorers of All Time

There are players who are ruthless on attack, as there job is to simply score goals with there motto being "to error is human whilst to punish those that do divine." It is these players who think of nothing else other than scoring goals with a one track mind which is constantly on the prowl for any opening or late clearance or slow reaction or pass gone of the mark or distraction by any opposing player and it is then that these players will not hesitate or show remorse; as they put the ball in the net.

It has been during my time that I have seen many a player who fit in to the category of goal scorer, as they seem to have an instinct that places them at the right place at the right time to do precisely what needs to be done when it needs to be done. This being exactly what players like Müller (West Germany), Pele (Brazil), Lato (Poland), Klinsman (Germany), Batistuta (Argentina), Romario (Brazil), Stoichkov (Bulgaria), Eusebio (Portugal), Kocsis (Hungary), Fontaine (France), Stabile (Argentina) and Piola (Italy) did in creating the role of the goal thirsty forward, who sometimes with a few touches on the ball during the whole match could score as many goals as the times they struck the ball through out the whole game.

The first world cup I ever saw was in 1978 in which I got to see Hans Krankl score not only four goals in six games but two magnificent ones in Austria's legendary 3-2 win over West Germany. Krankl showing the mark of a great one to not only free himself of constant marking but being able to create the opportunities his talent would not waste.

It is to these players that I dedicate this article to, as their actions of scoring goals is what it is all about and though at times it seems they do little else but be up front waiting for a pass or an error; they by virtue of being a constant scoring threat keep one or two defenders permanently occupied from going forward. Naturally during the years there have been many players with similar qualities yet the mark of a great goal scorer is not one that can be measured by statistics of how many goals he scores in how few matches but also on what occasions he comes up big for his team. This being the case of Italy's Paolo Rossi, who in 82 despite not having played in over two years came back to put three past Brazil to get Italy in to the semifinal; when they desperately needed a victory in a game where nothing else would do. Rossi however not finished in the world cup Spain 82 scored two in Italy's 2-0 semifinal win over Poland and one in their 3-1 win over Germany in the final.

For England, Gary Lineker was a player who held the same qualities of an eye to read play and place himself at the right place for the kill, as he in the 86 World Cup scored 6 goals in 5 games; with none of them coming from the penalty spot. Salvatore Schillaci was also of the same characteristics as he would score six goals in the 1990 World Cup for Italy though they did not become champions like Paolo Rossi's Italy in 82. Naturally when making a list of the great goal scorers of our time, one could not justifiably leave out Brazil's Ronaldo. As he with 15 goals in the world cups is now the leading all time scorer. Ronaldo showing all of his talents in the 2002 World Cup, where he scored Brazil's only goal in their 1-0 semifinal win over Turkey and both of Brazil's goals in their 2-0 victory over Germany in the final. It however being his first one against Germany which demonstrated the opportunistic traits a center forward need display as he without merci made Germany's goalkeeper, Khan pay for his mistake.

In conclusion, I would say that many are the traits a goal scorer can have, ranging from speed as was the case with Ronaldo or an imposing physique as was the case with Christian Vieri yet if one thing be a must; it is that which all the great ones have had. This being the hunger for the goal that leads them to chase after every loose ball in the penalty box along with the vision to see every weakness and opening regardless of how small it might be; for to him there are only scoring chances.

My name is Gianni Truvianni, I am an author who writes with the simple aim of sharing his ideas, thoughts and so much more of what I am with those who are interested in perhaps reading something new. I also am the author of the book entitled "New York's Opera Society" which is now available on Amazon.

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