Monday, May 2, 2011

College Soccer Scholarships - 5 Ways to Be Ready For Recruiting

The high school soccer season has started and that also means the beginning of the college soccer scholarship recruiting season. If you are a Senior high school student-athlete you should be working on your soccer scholarship recruiting plan now and should be ready to put the plan into action.

Complete your athletic and personal profile.
Make sure you have someone you trust or your soccer team is going to be filming your soccer matches and you will have immediate access to a copy.
Start contacting college soccer coaches.
Make plans to visit schools and meet with coaches.
Register with the NCAA Clearinghouse if you haven't already. Review your grades and classes with your guidance counselor to make sure you are taking all required courses this fall.

The path to a college soccer scholarship can be long and hard. But trust us, it will go by fast. The soccer players that end up with the scholarship are the one's who took time during the recruiting process to plan out a solid course of action. They have done their research, know what schools match their abilities, set realistic expectations and goals and communicate with college coaches the right way.

If you have already started, great! Keep the momentum going all fall and don't quit until you get the soccer scholarship you deserve. If you haven't taken any action yet, start today, don't wait because your competition already started. You are competing against thousands of other high school seniors for the same scholarship spot. Don't be left home next fall.

If you truly want a college soccer scholarship, CLICK HERE to view the recruiting system that has helped hundreds of other soccer players like yourself.

Now with unlimited email coaching, this system will help you to the soccer scholarship you deserve. Don't wait any longer to start, your competition already has begun their search, have you?

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