Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Biggest Soccer Clubs in the World

When it comes to being able to put a list together of the biggest soccer clubs in the world, there are different ways that you could actually get that list together. You could go by rankings or players or perhaps you could go by how many wins a team has actually had. But, when the world is looking at the best and the biggest, they are usually looking at the rankings of the teams. You could go on and on with the list but it may be best to just stick with the tops of the tops and just call it a day.

One of the first teams you may want to take a look at is Barcelona. They have been ranked number one but of course now that Spain has won the cup they have probably taken that spot. This is a team though that does fight the good fight and deserves to be in the biggest soccer clubs in the world list. Of course you also need to take a look at Chelsea. This is a team that has also earned the right to be on that list and has beaten some of the top teams.

Next on the list may be Girondins Bordeaux and then Inter Milan. Both of these teams have fought long and hard to be in the standings that they currently have and they have earned the titles for their teams. Another team that seems to be up and coming to the biggest soccer clubs in the world is Arsenal and AC Milan is right behind them. They are both favorites by many and each team has a crowd of fans that gives them the support that they need while they are playing throughout the season.

If you want to add a few more to the list of these fabulous teams that have earned the ranking than you could also look at Real Madrid, Manchester United, Bayern Munich, PSV Eindhoven, Sevilla, Benfica Lisbon and even Valencia. All of the teams have earned the right to be on the biggest soccer clubs in the world list although the order may not be in the exact way that they are listed. They are not listed in the exact order of their rankings but they are some of the teams that have made a name for themselves one way or another.

Again, this list is not done by their rankings for the biggest soccer clubs in the world but based on what the teams have done while they were playing and some of the feats that the players have accomplished at the same time. In order to get the exact rankings you could always take a look on the internet so that you can find out just where the teams ended up at the end of the season. But of course, everyone has their own list of who should be in the top and who should never be able to make it on the list in the first place.

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