Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Benefits of Playing Soccer

Nowadays, most of the children are prone to health risks because of inactivity and health conditions such as obesity. Soccer is one such sport, which encourages children to switch off the television, get off their house and play. This game provides children with both fun as well as exercise. They also teach kids to learn discipline and the way they need to behave in a group sport.

Children prefer this game because of its simplicity. This game is simple and you just need one round ball to play. Soccer is open to everyone and does not distinguish against race, religion, social background and gender. It entertains both the poor as well as rich. In addition, both girls as well as boys can play this game.

In addition, soccer helps children to lead a healthy and active lifestyle. Children, who love playing soccer, may also prefer watching it.

Moreover, apart from boys even girls like playing soccer. In fact, playing soccer helps to increase the muscle mass and burn calories effectively. The game also asks the players to eat the proper food that gives them more energy. Playing soccer promotes self-esteem of the children and helps them to make more friends. This is also a great social advantage of playing soccer.

Playing this game also develops a feeling of pride and self-confidence among the children. The children learn to take care of their team members along with many new playing strategies. The game also builds a team attitude amongst the children. In fact, various children playing soccer in small towns started playing from their school days and turned out to become a part of their school or college teams in the future. Thus, soccer is a skill game that provides numerous benefits to people playing this game.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4376504

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