Tuesday, April 19, 2011

9 Reasons to Learn Freestyle Soccer

Ever thought about why you should learn freestyle soccer? Maybe here are a few reasons why...

Improve Your Ball Control

Imagine having the ability to go past players at will? It has been proven over the years that practising freestyle soccer can substantially improve your ball control. Just ask Ronaldinho.

Obtain Killer Reflexes

Many freestyle tricks involve speed and good eye co-ordination. The more difficult the tricks you perform the more speed and eye co-ordination you'll require, so without a doubt you'll obtain killer reflexes.

Increase Your Fitness Levels

Not a fan of long distance running? Freestyle soccer can be the ideal exercise for you because you spend most of the time moving on the same spot. This doesn't mean you won't get a good work out though, trying complicated tricks for long periods of time can certainly tire you out.

Impress Your Friends

If you're the type of person who likes to put on a show, you're going to love freestyle soccer. The more you practise your freestyle tricks the more you'll be able to amaze your friends with a dazzling array of tricks on and off the field.

Unlock The Meanest Defence

Discover the key to unlocking the baddest and meanest defences on the planet. Who will be able to stop you from cutting holes when your skills are as sharp as razor blades. The tools that you'll have at your disposal (once knowing how to freestyle) cannot be underestimated.

Score More Goals

Having difficulty creating goal scoring opportunity's from long balls and sizzling crosses? Well, maybe it's because you're lacking the maneuverability to set yourself up in front of goal with a first time deft touch. Freestyle soccer can prepare you for any type of ball you receive, whether it's high in the air or low on the ground.

Humiliate Your Opponents

Don't think twice about wiping the floor with your opponents. Freestyle soccer skills will give you the power to annihilate your enemies when you feel it's necessary.

Decide The Outcome

How would you like to be able to change the result of a soccer match in a matter of seconds, not only once but again and again? Practice your freestyle soccer moves daily and you're guaranteed to produce moments of magic on the pitch.

Become A Star

When you become brilliant at freestyle soccer, make your own soccer video and post it on to websites like YouTube and Metacafe. One famous soccer performer (Tsatsulow) became a star by generating over 10 million views with his soccer video.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1913663

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