Saturday, July 16, 2011

Soccer Speed Drills For Successful Practices

In the game of soccer, speed is a commodity that can spell the difference between success and failure. That is why incorporating soccer speed drills into your training is a vital part of creating a winning program. Having speed allows your players to get to the ball first, close quickly on attackers, and seal off passing lanes. If your team can do that effectively it will reduce your opponents scoring opportunities, and increase your own opportunities.
As a coach, you may not have a lot of control of the physical traits of the players you get on your team, but putting your players through these soccer speed drills on a regular basis will improve the speed and quickness of the players you have.
Wind Sprint Soccer Speed Drills
One of the classic speed drills for any sport is the wind sprint. It is a very effective way to work on speed, and also building endurance. All you need is two cones, and a place to run. It's very simple, but it works.
Set the cones up on a flat area about 20 meters apart. The goal is to have the players constantly moving; they are not allowed to stop running. Start at cone one and run at a slow run toward cone two. When they reach the second cone thy will turn and sprint back to cone one. When the get to cone one, they turn and slow run back to cone two. Have your team do a couple of sets of 6-8 laps.
Variable Start Soccer Speed Drills
In a soccer game your players will not always be required to start sprinting from the same position. They will not always be facing the direction of the sprint, or they may be required to do something before they start the sprint (make a pass, do a throw-in, get up off the ground, etc.) This drill will require your players to complete various tasks before doing a 20 meter sprint.
The simplest way to start is to have your players stand at cone one facing away from cone two. On the whistle, the players will quickly turn and sprint to cone two. Do 2 sets of 6-8 sprints.
You can also add different tasks to be completed before the sprint, such as do 3 push-ups and then sprint, or complete a pass then sprint. The variations are endless.
Speed and Agility Drills
While speed is great, it requires control in order to be effective. Being first to the soccer ball doesn't accomplish anything if the player cannot stop or turn. Like everything else, your players can develop that ability if they are given drills to help them practice it.
A quick, easy drill is to set up your field with three cones in a line, about 10 meters apart. Players will start at the first cone and sprint toward the next cone. At cone two the are required to run around the cone once, then continue the sprint to cone three.
You could also set up a zig-zag course that your players must sprint through that will require left and right turns along the way.
One note about using soccer speed drills: Kids love competition. Set up the drills so that players can compete against each other. It keeps it more interesting, and the competition usually will result in increased intensity from the players.

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