Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Diet Plans for Men - 3 Foods Soccer Dads Must Avoid to Lose Belly Fat

Both you and I know that nutrition is a vital part of your child's soccer fitness. They need to eat properly to be full of energy and to have stamina to last the game. On the flip side, either you or your wife must take your child to and from soccer games and soccer practices. Usually this occurs during the early evening hours when you should be at home having a nice home cooked meal.
Unfortunately for you, many of the meals you eat during the day, are from fast food restaurants that tend to be heavy on the fat side. Add to the fact that maybe you are not playing as much soccer or any sport for that matter since you were a stud in your early twenties!
As a soccer dad with at least one child playing the sport, most of your free time is acting as chauffeur. This leads to the pound a year syndrome. Before you know it, you've added an extra 20-40 pounds.
Well now there is a simple solution to this unwanted weight gain. If you avoid the following three foods you will lose belly fat and reduce your waistline.
Food 1 - Pasta:
We both know that pasta is the choice of the vaunted "pre-game meal" because of the amount of energy in the carbohydrates. Perhaps when you were younger and very active it served a meaningful purpose. That being said pasta is a very starchy carb and if it isn't utilized for energy it turns to fat. You may want to replace this with some vegetables. Vegetables are actually another form of carbohydrates and they are nutrient dense. They pack a lot of valuable vitamins and minerals for daily bodily functions.
Food 2 - Potatoes:
Perhaps old school meat and potatoes worked when you were younger and very active. No doubt potatoes are high in carbohydrates. But just like pasta, unused potato in your system converts to fat. Perhaps you can replace potatoes with vegetables or nutrient dense fruit like strawberries or blue berries.
Food 3 - White Rice:
Again, white rice is a very starchy carbohydrate. If it is not put to work it too will convert to fat.
Sometimes we need to take a look at the food we eat and make small changes to reap massive rewards. In diet plans for men, removing starchy carbohydrates or minimizing the amount of pasta, potato and white rice you eat, will go a long way to lose your belly fat and reduce your waistline.
Now you will be able to set a good example for your growing athletic child.

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