Monday, May 2, 2011

David Beckham Teaches Transferable Skills

For those that do not know, David Beckham is one of the biggest soccer stars in the world. He has played at every level, come through the ranks and plied his trade for many years. He has achieved almost everything there is to achieve in soccer, has become a household name and has found a huge number of different arenas in which to earn his money (outside of soccer). Now he teaches transferable skills (without even being aware of it).

A terrible injury ruled him out of the 2010 World Cup - a big blow to him, the England soccer team and all of his fans and well wishers. After the operation to repair his tendon was performed, the Finish surgeon announced that he would not be able to run for 4 months. The world cup was at an end for him and there was even a threat to his future career. A big blow for all concerned.

There are parallels in all of us. I remember, myself, a mini-catastrophe meant that a particular project I was working on was no longer viable. I was saddened and felt lost and alone with nothing to work on or hope for. I am sure you have such stories. Mostly, it happens when you least expect it and there is never a good time to experience it.

What does this have to do with you? What exactly can we learn from the Beckham saga? What is the use of talking soccer? A lot, as it happens. You can be sure that David Beckham will not be sitting around bemoaning his place in this world. Instead, he will be using his talents and skills to good effect. No longer being able to use his practical footballing skills, he will be delving into his other, equally impressive, treasure chest of talents.

Even though he cannot run or kick a soccer ball he can still:

- be an advocate and ambassador for the England football team

- promote goodness and fair play in the sport

- play host to visiting dignitaries

- play a part in the England World Cup attempt

- use his personality, charm and powerful leverage to promote soccer, sharing and evolution of the sport

- be a magnet for personal and company income

- set England onto the world soccer stage

- help leave a legacy for the future.

If YOU have had a devastating situation, how would YOU have used your transferable skills to best effect?

Mark Clayson is a professional, home business entrepreneur, mentor and speaker. Visit his Social Media Blog to find out more.

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